White Man's Burden Issue #1
$3.00 / Sold Out
7 pieces / 7 contributors / 14 pages
Contributors include: Elena Corinne Vigilia Arntz, Thenessa Geagoni, Sam Caparoso Streitfeld, Olivia Hanson, Paula Anne Socco Anicete, Eileen Ramos, and Arianne Aquino.
White Man’s Burden, Issue #1 is an intro zine to a world of topics and issues needed to be discussed by the pilipinx* community. In this issue, we cover our cultural food, our diasporic feelings, our relationship with our pinxy* family, our lost history, and more. We delve deep into our subjective thought processes and feelings to evoke a collective, conscious pilipinx identity. We have been silent for too long, forced to be complacent. This zine seeks to rectify and decolonize ourselves through sharing our experiences in writing and artwork. Maraming salamat / Agyamanac unay / Dakal a salamat / Salamat kaayo / Dios mabalos !!!
Preview the zine here: http://issuu.com/whitemansburden/docs/whitemansburdenzine
60% of funds raised from the purchase of this zine will go directly to Echo Park's Filipino American Library-- currently in the process of relocation.
Visit their website here: http://www.filipinoamericanlibrary.com/
Published November 19, 2015